Monday, April 21, 2014

The culture of Polynesians
 Samoa is a beautiful culture. Samoa has the best food and the finest talents of performing dances. Fire knife is a tradition to Samoans it was the exhibition called "ailao" a demonstration of a Samoan warrior battle prowess through artful twirling, throwing and catching, and dancing with a war club.
Fiji is a talented culture. An indigenous form is the meke, which may incorporate the seasea or a meke wesi. The meke is a narrative of an important event such as a war, a chiefly or installation, or even a scandal.
Maori is a wonderful culture. The Maori culture perform a war dance called the "Haka" intended to intimidate the opponent. The rugby team New Zealand All Blacks do the Haka "Ka Mate" to scare the other team before the game.

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