Wednesday, April 30, 2014

The amazing adventure that I ever went to was Youth Conference 2014. As we got to the chapel in Laie people were sent to separate families. And each family had a flag that represents one of the profits of the Mormon Bible. The group I was in was called the Ishmaelite's. The Ishmaelite's were the descendants of Ishmael, the elder son of Abraham. As every one got to there families each group had to make up there own cheer that represents there group. After the cheer competition all the groups head out to the Gun Stock Ranch for the activities. In the activities groups were separated from each group but there was 2 families that make 1 group. There is 10 stations in the adventure that I went to. My favorite part about the adventure was that we got to play a color war. On the field all the groups were split in half to have a color war. In the color war every one threw chalk at each other and getting mobbed by friends and families. After the chalk war all the groups cleaned up the mess and ate together as a family.

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