Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Football can be traced to early versions of Rugby and association football. Back in the 17th century reports of early settlers at Jamestown, Virginia playing games with inflated balls. Early games appeared to have had much in common with the traditional "mob football" played in England. On shrove Tuesday they used lemon instead of a ball. The games remained unorganized until the 19th century, when intramural games of football began t be played on college campuses. College football expanded greatly during the last two decades of the 19th century.   Rugby is something like American Football. But in American Football to make a touch down you need to catch the ball and run to the end zone, but in Rugby if you have the ball you would need to touch the ball with the ground. Rugby is actually named after a Rugby school, it was invented in 1823 when William Webb Ellis caught the ball while playing a game of football at school, and ran to the goal with it.

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