Wednesday, April 30, 2014

I think food trucks are a good idea to start a business because you can get people to buy your food and then they could tell there friends and spread out to other people to buy your food. I always eat a lot of food, I have experienced one food truck called Giovanni's. They sell Shrimps and drinks and other things. I like there food because the way they cook the shrimp is really good the spice they add to the shrimp is not that spicy but its really good though and has a very delicious craving to the shrimp. They have over 4 types of shrimps to eat and my favorite shrimp is the garlic shrimp because its not spicy and the way they cook the garlic shrimp is really good.  
I've always dreamed going to college the college I actually want to go to is actually Oregon University. I would want to go to Oregon because I want to learn how to be a engineering and be a mechanic. I think engineering is really unique because you get to learn how to take parts out from a car or learn how to build one. I picked Oregon because the football team Oregon Ducks is a really good team and they have over 58 jerseys for football and there equipment is really nice and they have a lots of helmets and colors for there equipment. There school campus is really huge and the basketball court is really big. I really wish that I got a full ride scholarship for football so I wouldn't have to pay to go school there. But I will do my best in high school and study more to get to the top to get in the University of Oregon and play for the Oregon Ducks football team as a Running Back , and have the number 36 or 18. 
  My favorite movie would maybe be Wreck It Ralph. Because Wreck It Ralph is my favorite movie is that in the movie It has all the characters from games that everyone plays. And the quality of the movie is really good, but what I like about this movie is that they have a place called Candy Land and its a place where people race cars and Candy Land has all kinds of candies in the movie. In the movie Ralph is a character from a game called Wreck It Ralph, he is a giant person that destroys buildings and gets defeated by a person named Felix. Well in the movie Ralph doesn't appreciate what the people say about him because he's a mean person and the point is that every time Felix saves the people from Ralph destroying the building Felix gets a medal. And all Ralph wants is a medal but he cant get one because he destroys buildings. When Ralph doesn't get a medal he goes into a different game and tries to steel a medal from a shooting galaxy game. When Ralph gets the medal the enemies in the game called a "Cybug" travel to Candy Land and tries to destroy the game. But Ralph and Felix goes to Candy Land and defeat the Cybugs and defeat the king Turbo.
The amazing adventure that I ever went to was Youth Conference 2014. As we got to the chapel in Laie people were sent to separate families. And each family had a flag that represents one of the profits of the Mormon Bible. The group I was in was called the Ishmaelite's. The Ishmaelite's were the descendants of Ishmael, the elder son of Abraham. As every one got to there families each group had to make up there own cheer that represents there group. After the cheer competition all the groups head out to the Gun Stock Ranch for the activities. In the activities groups were separated from each group but there was 2 families that make 1 group. There is 10 stations in the adventure that I went to. My favorite part about the adventure was that we got to play a color war. On the field all the groups were split in half to have a color war. In the color war every one threw chalk at each other and getting mobbed by friends and families. After the chalk war all the groups cleaned up the mess and ate together as a family.
  In 5 years I would like to be graduating from Oregon University and get draft to play for the San Francisco 49ers.
   I would like to play football for the Oregon Ducks football team. Because the team has nice jerseys and they are sponsored by Nike. I like Nike because the way they design there equipment for sports is really unique and Oregon Ducks football team is sponsored by it, and there uniforms and equipment is nice. Oregon Ducks have 58 jerseys total, right now they are in third place of having the nicest jerseys in college football. When I graduate I hope to get offers or get draft to the NFL and play football and make history of my name. I want to play for San Francisco because so many hall of famers play from that team especially Steve Young because he is one of my role models that I look up to.
  In 10 years I would like to be a owner of engineering company. And especially sell cars and create them and make them pimp out.

A restaurant I have been to that was the best was maybe Golden Corral. I think its the best because every time I go eat there they always have the juiciest medium rare steaks and its really good when they cook it. And they have a section full of all kinds of salads and I like salad and they have all kinds of different dressings for your salad, also a section of all kinds of different fruits and vegetables. Golden Corral food is so good, there buns that they make is always soft and good what makes it even better is the butter they provide it with the buns. And what I also like about Golden Corral is there desert. Because they have a tons of different desert, they have cookies, pies, ice cream, toppings, cakes, and a chocolate fountain. The best about Golden Corral is the chocolate fountain, I think its the best because you could dip anything in it like rice krispies, strawberries, cake, ice cream, pie and etc. And if you ever get to go to a restaurant go to Golden Corral!!  
If I had a to choose to hangout with a dead human or a alive one for a day I would hangout with a alive one because hanging out with a dead human is so weird and scary. Me and the alive human would go to a water park and catch rides and then after the water park were going to go to the movies and order popcorn and throw it at everyone in the movie theater. Then the next day we will go sky diving in the tallest mountains in the world, then after sky diving we will go to a beach and go surf for few hours and then go to McDonald's order a lot of ice cream cones then drive around at night and throw it at each other. After doing these stuff we would go to a place where we could play paintball and have a competition.  
Samoan tribal are very unique and very cultural. The tribal you get on your body usually represents where your from or who you represent. In Samoa the Pe'a demonstrate the strong ties many Samoans have for there culture. Samoans have practiced doing the Pe'a for over 2,000 years. The Pe'a is for the men and the Malu is for the females.  The Samoan oral tradition was recognized that two Fijian women, Taema and Tilafaiga, introduced the practice of tattooing. In 1830 all males across Samoa got a traditional tattoo. In Samoa's cultural past males between 14-18 were tattooed.  

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Football can be traced to early versions of Rugby and association football. Back in the 17th century reports of early settlers at Jamestown, Virginia playing games with inflated balls. Early games appeared to have had much in common with the traditional "mob football" played in England. On shrove Tuesday they used lemon instead of a ball. The games remained unorganized until the 19th century, when intramural games of football began t be played on college campuses. College football expanded greatly during the last two decades of the 19th century.   Rugby is something like American Football. But in American Football to make a touch down you need to catch the ball and run to the end zone, but in Rugby if you have the ball you would need to touch the ball with the ground. Rugby is actually named after a Rugby school, it was invented in 1823 when William Webb Ellis caught the ball while playing a game of football at school, and ran to the goal with it.

Monday, April 21, 2014

The culture of Polynesians
 Samoa is a beautiful culture. Samoa has the best food and the finest talents of performing dances. Fire knife is a tradition to Samoans it was the exhibition called "ailao" a demonstration of a Samoan warrior battle prowess through artful twirling, throwing and catching, and dancing with a war club.
Fiji is a talented culture. An indigenous form is the meke, which may incorporate the seasea or a meke wesi. The meke is a narrative of an important event such as a war, a chiefly or installation, or even a scandal.
Maori is a wonderful culture. The Maori culture perform a war dance called the "Haka" intended to intimidate the opponent. The rugby team New Zealand All Blacks do the Haka "Ka Mate" to scare the other team before the game.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

My name is Rocky Johnson. I am 24 years old and im from a beautiful island called Oahu, I live on the North Shore of Oahu. I am expertise at sports especially football. Back in high school I use to play football for the Kahuku Red Raiders. The position I played was running back with the number 36. I got recruited to University of Oregon to play for the football team Oregon Ducks.
At the age of 8 I started to play pop warner football. I didn't get to play a good position because I wasn't good when I was young. growing up I had to learn the skills I needed in order to play a good position. Going through high school it got harder because I had to learn football plays and positions to practice. But it was easy because all you have to do is study the playbook.